Close-up of a single green leaf against a white background.

Rated 4.9/5 from 323 Reviews

Steam Therapy Wand

The Quick & Easy Way To Relieve Dry Eyes (In 5 Minutes Or Less!)

Works in 5 mins or less

All day, lasting relief

Drug-free, safe daily use

93% satisfaction rate

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"My eyes used to be dry all the time, and I'd tried everything to relieve them. I use it just a few minutes a day and my eyes haven’t felt this good in years!"

Kathy O - Verified Customer


Est. Delivery: Feb 25 - Feb 28

Meet The Eye Co. - a small, family run business that believes there’s more important things than the almighty dollar.

Do they make voices clear & easy to understand?

Do I need a hearing test or prescription? 

Are these real hearing aids or are they amplifiers?

Do they help with Tinnitus?

Relieves Dry Eyes In 5 Minutes Or Less!

The Main Reason Behind Dry Eyes

Close-up of an eye with a green iris and slightly red sclera.

What’s the cause of dry eyes?

Your tear glands become blocked or stop producing tears effectively. This leads to chronic dry eyes, causing constant discomfort and irritation that affects your daily life. Without proper tear production, your eyes can't maintain the natural moisture they need to feel healthy and comfortable.

The Eye Relief Co. Difference

Hear & Understand Voices Clearly

Restores Natural Tears

Last for 2 days

Relief In Just 5 Minutes

Comfortable & Secure

6 Relief Modes

Behind the ear fit

Safe & Gentle

Self Adjustable

Relief Lasts All Day

The Hearing Co. Difference
Simple clock icon showing 10 o'clock.

Relief Lasts All Day


More Effective Than Drops

No Hearing Test needed

30-Day Relief Guarantee

Huge Price Tags

96% Success Rate

Warranty Included

Pocket Sized & Portable

24/7 Kind, Caring & Helpful Support

24/7 Customer Support

Steam Therapy Compared To...

An abstract black geometric design on a white background.

Natural moisture

Restores your own tear production

Long lasting relief

One 5-min session for all day relief

Simple solution

5 minute morning session

Guaranteed results

30-day money back promise

Quick & effective

Just 5 minutes for lasting relief

Deep steam penetration

Tiny particles reach & unblock tear glands

Consistent optimal temperature

Perfect warmth for entire session

Professional solution

So comfortable you’ll forget you’re wearing them

A wavy line with symmetric shapes and overshoots at ends.

Instant relief

Feel better in 5 minutes

Direct solution

Specifically made for dry eyes

One simple device

5 minute morning session

Guaranteed results

30-day money-back guarantee




Other Options

Clear audio

Clearer voices, less background noise, less feedback

Rechargeable batteries

Just rechargeable but die quickly

Need professional adjustment

You have to go all the way to the audio

Take months to be fitted

Who has that much time to wait?

Bad audio quality

The audio quality sounds horrible

Affordable, but low quality

Need constant replacements

Little regard for you

Company disappears, no support after taking your money

Extremely uncomfortable fit

Don’t fit on your ear properly

Average audio

Average audio quality, unclear voices

Outdated technology

Little research or development

Little regard for you

Company disappears, no support after taking your money

Extremely uncomfortable fit

Don’t fit on your ear properly

Artificial tears

Temporarily mask the problem

Constant reapplication

Drops needed every 1-2 hours

Temporary solution

Only adds moisture on surface

$30+ every month

Constantly buying more drops

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to feel relief?

Our steam therapy wand will give you relief from the second you start using it. We recommend using it for 5 minutes at the start and end of each day for immediate relief that lasts throughout the day.

Is the steam safe for my eyes?

How often should I use the wand? Can I use it everyday?

How do I clean the wand?

Will the wand get moldy? How do I stop mold from building up?

How hot does the steam get?

Should I keep my eyes open or closed when using the wand?